The main and only mission of the clock
bell of the Cathedral of Las Palmas was to emit the corresponding acoustic
signals that announced the passing of the hours. Along with these, also served to soundly manifest the good events or news of the Canarian
church itself, especially the promotion of its prelates and ecclesiastical
dignities. These sounds were achieved by “throwing” or “releasing” the weights
of the clock, causing its bell to ring continuously, thereby accompanying the festive
ringing of the rest of the bells of the cathedral temple, played by the bell
alegrías (games and festivities) ,
the pealing of bells ,
feast of Saint Joachim ,
feast of the dedication or reopening of a church ,
Pedro Díaz Couthino (organist, clockmaker) ,
Lucas Conejero de Molina (bishop) ,
Francisco Pablo de Matos Coronado (archdeacon) ,
Juan Francisco Guillén Isso (bishop) ,
Luis de la Encina y Perla (archdeacon) ,
cathedral chapter
Façade of the Cathedral of Canaria. Illustration from the manuscript by José Agustín Álvarez Rixo, entitled Cuadro histórico de estas Islas Canarias (1808-1812). Library of the University of La Laguna. Personal archive of José Agustín Álvarez Rixo.
Watch. Higg & Evans. London (1775). Cathedral of Santa Ana. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Photograph: Fernando Cova del Pino.