Book cover. Book of Polyphony No. 4 [old codex 52]
Works by Francisco Guerrero in the Cathedral of Huesca

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Works by Francisco Guerrero in the Cathedral of Huesca.

May 2, 2024

Plaza de la Trinidad (on the right, door of the convent of la Santísima Trinidad, 1862)
Confraternity of Our Lady of Anguish at the square of Tablas in Granada

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

On 28 October 1643, in the convent of La Santísima Trinidad, a brotherhood was founded with the advocation of Nuestra …

May 1, 2024

<em>La devota peregrinación de la Tierra Sancta</em>. Miquel Matas (1604), fols. 108rv
Visit to Jerusalem (2). Pilgrims' prayers and songs at the stations of the Armenian Quarter and Mount Zion.

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Visit to Jerusalem (2). Pilgrims' prayers and songs at the stations of the Armenian Quarter and Mount Zion.

April 28, 2024

Chapel of the beheading. Cathedral of Santiago (Armenian)
Visit to Jerusalem (2). First day of the stations' tour (Armenian quarter and Mount Sion). Francisco Guerrero's Journey to Jerusalem (1588)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

&nbsp;Visit to Jerusalem (2). First day of the stations' tour (Armenian quarter and Mount Sion). Francisco Guerrero's Journey to Jerusalem …

April 24, 2024

Articles by year

12-07-2015 Auto de fe in Sevilla (1559)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Domestic music at the house of the inquisitor Andrés Gascó

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Auto de fe (1575)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Auto de fe (1593)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Auto de fe in Sevilla (1624)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Baptism, execution and burial of a Moorish slave in Seville (1625)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Jewish quarter soundscape

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Jewish quarter soundscape

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Copying of some Christmas songs (chanzonetas, 1591 and 1592)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Copying of some polyphonic choir books

Juan Ruiz Jiménez