convent de Santa Helena do Monte Calvário. Picture by David Freitas (1960)
Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns at the convent of Santa Helena do Monte Calvário in Evora

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns at the convent of Santa Helena do Monte Calvário in Evora.

April 21, 2024

<em>View taken from above the bullring</em> (detail). Alfred Guesdon (c. 1855)
Festival organised by the Real Maestranza of Granada on the occasion of the reception of Agustín de Valdivia as an elder brother (1767)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Antonio Soriano, chapel master of the Collegiate Church of El Salvador, composed the march La Maestranza de Granada on the …

April 17, 2024

Title page. <em>El viage de Hierusalem</em> (1594) [E-Mrae, 14-XI-37]
First Barcelona edition of El viage de Hierusalem by Francisco Guerrero (1594)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

First Barcelona edition of El viage de Hierusalem by Francisco Guerrero (1594).

April 12, 2024

Church of San Lorenzo
Will of the ministril Francisco González Dávila (1654)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

The will of the ministril and dulcian player Francisco González Dávila provides us with his second surname and some significant …

April 9, 2024

Articles by year

12-07-2015 Endowment of All Souls Day’s Matins

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Anniversary of Gonzalo Sánchez de Córdoba

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Motets for the Sunday mass procession

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Mass for the Feast of Saint Mary of Snows

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Mass for the octave of the Corpus Christi

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Mass for the Octave of the Feast of saints Philip and James

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of Saint Francis

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Musical instruments auction

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Penteconts)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of the Invention ("Discovery") of the Holy Cross

Juan Ruiz Jiménez