Juan Ruiz Jiménez
On 27 June 1554, Prince Felipe arrived in La Coruña, where he stayed until 13 July, when he sailed for …
March 4, 2024
Bárbara Pérez Ruiz
This article complements that of the "Villancicos compuestos para la ceremonia de profesión de monjas en el convento de la …
Feb. 29, 2024
Alfonso de Vicente Delgado
The convent of Dominican nuns of Santa Catalina Martyr in the city of Ávila (1486-1836) does not seem to have …
Feb. 24, 2024
Gustavo Alejo Trujillo Yánez
In this article we present the contract or deed, granted on February 4, 1619, in which the bell ringer of …
Feb. 20, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
03-10-2024 Visit to Jerusalem (5). Pilgrims' prayers and songs at the stations of the Mount of Olives.Juan Ruiz Jiménez
03-10-2024 Visit to Jerusalem (5). Four day of the stations' tour (Mount of Olives). Francisco Guerrero's Journey to Jerusalem (1588)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
28-09-2024 Documents about Tomás Luis de Victoria in the cathedral of Oviedo (1582-1591)Alfonso de Vicente Delgado
22-09-2024 Sending copies of Francisco Guerrero's Viaje de Hierusalem to Lima (1605 /1618)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
19-09-2024 Bernarda, an Afro-Portugues musician in the service of Isabel de Borbón (1602-1644) at the Alcázar in MadridJuan Ruiz Jiménez
11-09-2024 Documents about Tomás Luis de Victoria in the cathedral of Ávila (1573-1601)Alfonso de Vicente Delgado
01-09-2024 Marian confraternity in the puerta del Pescado in GranadaJuan Ruiz Jiménez
27-08-2024 Works by Francisco Guerrero in the printing press of Giacomo Vincenzi (1591)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
25-08-2024 Organ for the Monastery of San Zoilo in Carrión de los Condes (1716)Juan Ruiz Jiménez