Cartagena Town Hall and Cathedral
Hiring of a group of minstrels in the city of Cartagena (1605)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

In 1605, the City Council of Cartagena (Murcia) hired a group of four minstrels from Caracava for four years, in …

Feb. 7, 2024

Barcelona (detail). Anton van den Wyngaerde (1563)
Ceremony of the transfer of the Viaticum to the Spanish galleys (1614)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Pope Paul V's bull of 10 September 1614 authorised the administration of viaticum to Christians who fell ill in the …

Feb. 7, 2024

Choir of the cathedral of Sevilla
The Missarum liber primus by Arcangelo Crivelli in the music library of Seville Cathedral

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

The inventory of the polyphonic books of Seville Cathedral, which were in the custody of the chapel master Juan Sanz, …

Feb. 3, 2024

Convent of Sancti Spiritus. John Frederick Lewis (1833)
The most important annual festivities in the Convent of Sancti Spiritus in Granada

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

The convent of the Dominican nuns of Sancti Spiritus in Granada celebrated the feasts of Pentecost and Saint Dominic every …

Jan. 30, 2024

Articles by year

12-07-2015 Activity in the market

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Payment of salary to a bell-ringer (1426)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Organ repair (1426)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Buying of an organ (1426)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of the Conception of Our Lady

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Mass of the Conception of Our Lady

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Saturday Mass of Our Lady endowed by Nicolás Martínez Marmolejo

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Antiphon Gaude Dei genitrix endowed by Bernal de Cuenca

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Antiphon Gaude dei genitrix and other pious endowments by the canon Diego Alfonso de Sevilla (1492 / 1503)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Mass of the Blessed Sacrament

Juan Ruiz Jiménez