Juan Ruiz Jiménez
In 1716, the Benedictine community of the Monastery of San Zoilo signed a contract with the organ builder Gregorio González …
Aug. 25, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
The lawsuit brought by Antonio García de Torres, chapel master of the magisterial church of Santos Justo y Pastor in …
Aug. 23, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
The apprenticeship contract signed in 1572 between the sacristan and organist of the church of Santiago de Guadalajara, Melchor de …
Aug. 20, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns at the convent of Santa Clara in Balaguer (1780).
Aug. 19, 2024
Alfonso de Vicente Delgado
25-02-2020 Chronology of the sacred music of Francisco Guerrero in the cathedral of SevilleJuan Ruiz Jiménez
24-02-2020 Music and exorcism in the convent of Santa Clara in Alcaudete (1578)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
23-02-2020 Antonio de Cabezón's letter of 'earnest money' and his right of abode in the city of ÁvilaAlfonso de Vicente Delgado
21-02-2020 Renovation of the organ in the collegiate church of Santa Fe (1766)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
18-02-2020 Renovation of the organ in the collegiate church of Santa Fe (1736)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
18-02-2020 The Song of the Sibyl in the Tarragona CathedralSergi González González
16-02-2020 Procession and celebrations of the oath of declaration of the patrons of the city of Potosí (1555)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
12-02-2020 Chanzonetas and romances composed for the religious profession of Francisca de Córdoba y Ribera (1634)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
10-02-2020 Domestic music in the house of Lesmes de Miranda (1561)Juan Ruiz Jiménez