Juan Ruiz Jiménez
After the fire in the chapel of the Venerable Third Order of the convent of San Francisco de Valladolid in …
Jan. 9, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
In 1624, the governors of the brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rosario of the town of Curiel (Valladolid) hired two …
Jan. 6, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Incorporation of the wind players to the musical staff of the cathedral of Murcia (1573).
Dec. 29, 2023
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Mosén Miquel Matas, in La devota peregrinació de la Terra Sancta y ciutat de Hierusalem (1604), provides us with an …
Dec. 19, 2023
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
04-02-2020 Traditional music of the black ethnic community from Lima (1563)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
03-02-2020 Dance teacher in Lima (1613)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
01-02-2020 Indian luthiers in Lima (1613)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
30-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in different convents in ZaragozaJuan Ruiz Jiménez
28-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in the convent of Santa Lucía in Zaragoza (1691-1715)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
25-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in the convent of Capuchinas in Zaragoza (1698)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
24-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in the convent of Santo Sepulcro in Zaragoza (1692-1701)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
20-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in the convent of Santa Inés in Zaragoza (1698-1718)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
18-01-2020 Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns in the convent of Jerusalén in Zaragoza (1683-1714)Juan Ruiz Jiménez