Gustavo Alejo Trujillo Yánez
The main and only mission of the clock bell of the Cathedral of Las Palmas was to emit the corresponding …
Aug. 6, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Works by Francisco Guerrero at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Aug. 6, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
At an indeterminate date, probably between 1712 and 1716, Eugenio Gerardo Lobo, "el capitán coplero", wrote a loa for the …
July 25, 2024
Helen Sophia Herbert
Alongside details of the ordinary conventions and ceremonies of the liturgical calendar at Barcelona Cathedral, the Manual del Cabiscol provides …
June 20, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Anniversary of Gonzalo Sánchez de CórdobaJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Motets for the Sunday mass processionJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Mass for the Feast of Saint Mary of SnowsJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Mass for the octave of the Corpus ChristiJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Mass for the Octave of the Feast of saints Philip and JamesJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Feast of Saint FrancisJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Musical instruments auctionJuan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Penteconts)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
12-07-2015 Feast of the Invention ("Discovery") of the Holy CrossJuan Ruiz Jiménez