The Sacromonte Way of the Cross was instituted by the confraternity of the Third Order of San Francisco, located in the convent of San Francisco Casa Grande, in 1633. It took place every Friday of the year and Wednesday of Lent. After the prayers carried out in the church of San Pedro and after praying in three previous stations, they began the Sacred Street in the houses of Chapiz from where they would go through the fourteen stations that led them to the church of the Santo Sepulcro. From there they went up to visit the ovens and the church of the Sacromonte abbey, to return along the same path with new prayers of the joyful mysteries of the Virgin until they reached, again, the starting point in the houses of Chapiz.
Van der Hammen, Lorenzo. Vía Sacra: su origen, forma y disposición y lo que se debe meditar en ella. Granada: Francisco Sánchez, 1656.
Henríquez de Jorquera, Francisco, Anales de Granada, edición Antonio Marín Ocete [1934], estudio preliminar de Pedro Gan Giménez, índices de Luis Moreno Garzón. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1987, 267-269, 735-736
López-Guadalupe Muñoz, Miguel Luis, “Una forma alternativa de la piedad popular: las cofradías de vía sacra en Granada”, Revista de Historia Moderna 31 (2003), 11-31.
Valverde Tercedor, José María, “Cruces como legado: la Vía Sacra de la Abadía del Sacro Monte de Granada”, en Espacios y muros del barroco iberoamericano, María de los Ángeles Fernández Valle, Carmen López Calderón e Inmaculada Rodríguez Mora (eds.). Sevilla: Andavira Editora S. L., 2019, 463-482.
Created: 20 Mar 2021