The Corpus Christi procession in Granada


The Corpus Christi procession in Granada

The origin of the Corpus Christi procession in Granada is purely speculative and what facts can be gleaned are shrouded in an aura of legend. The route had to be changed when the cathedral site was shifted from the grounds of the Alhambra to the temple built in the old Jewish quarter, and later, in 1508, to the old consecrated mosque. It was from this time that the new itinerary that the procession should follow was agreed, and it was clearly defined in the final drafting of the Consueta, dated 29 April 1530. The Consueta also stipulates the musical forces and makes reference to the floats used for the autos sacramentales (a dramatic work on a religious theme) that were performed during the procession. That route would experience more changes in the Modern Age and has now lost some of the emblematic elements of its historical itinerary: Pescadería street, Bibarrambla square and Zacatín street.

Date: 2-1-1492 / --

  • If you are in town on the day of Corpus Christi, do not miss the ephemeral altars mounted in different places along the route in the morning, before the actual procession takes place.

  • It is advisable to check the opening hours of the sites included in the visit. Along the route and nearby you have the following tourist offices:
- Kiosk of tourist information: Plaza Bib-Rambla. 18001. Granada. Tlf. + 34 902 40 50 45

- Tourist information office: Calle Santa Ana 4-Bajo (Plaza Nueva). 18009. Granada. Tlf. + 34 958 57 52 02. E-mail:

Open Hours: Winter (November-February): Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00 h

Summer (March-October): Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00 h

Saturday: 10:00 19:00 h (Winter until 18:00)

Sunday and holidays: 10:00-14:00 h


Valladar, Francisco de Paula. Estudio histórico crítico de las fiestas del Corpus en Granada. Granada: La Lealtad, 1886. Garrido Atienza, Miguel. Antiguallas granadinas. La fiesta del Corpus. Granada: Imprenta de D. José López Guevara, 1889.

López Calo,, José. La música en la catedral de Granada. Granada: Fundación Rodríguez Acosta, 1963, 63-64.

Ramos López, Pilar. La música en la catedral de Granada en la primera mitad del siglo XVII: Diego de Pontac. Granada: Diputación Provincial, 1994, vol. 1, 19-28, 74-92.

Cuesta García de Leonardo, Mª José. Fiesta y arquitectura efímera en la Granada del siglo XVIII. Granada: Universidad, 1995.

Cuesta García de Leonardo, Mª José, “La fiesta del Corpus Christi en el paso del Antiguo Régimen a la Época Contemporánea. El caso de Granada”, en La fiesta del Corpus Christi. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2002, 179-214.

Created: 24 Apr 2016
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "The Corpus Christi procession in Granada", Historical soundscapes, 2016, e-ISSN: 2603-686X.


1. cathedral (first site)
2. cathedral (second site)
3. cathedral (third site)
4. Palacio Arzobispal square
5. corral del Carbón (playhouse)
6. Coliseo / Casa de comedias (theater)
7. madrasah Yusufiyya / Casas del cabildo municipal ( old town hall)
8. Alhambra (fortress)
9. castle of Bibataubín
10. cathedral
11. Cárcel street
12. Pescadería street
13. Mesones street
14. archbishop's palace
15. Bibarrambla square
16. casa de los Miradores
17. houses in Bibarrambla square
18. Zacatín street
19. Nueva (Hatabín) square
20. Royal Audiencia and Chancillería
21. Hospitales street
22. pilar de los almizqueros (pilar del toro)
23. Cárcel street