Way of the Cross at the hill of los Mártires in Granada (hypothetical reconstruction)


Way of the Cross at the hill of los Mártires in Granada (hypothetical reconstruction)

Hypothetical reconstruction of the itinerary of the Way of the Cross on the Cerro de los Mártires in Granada.

Date: 1-1-1721 / --

Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "Cofradías en la iglesia de Santa María Magdalena", Paisajes sonoros históricos, 2021. https://www.historicalsoundscapes.com/evento/1315/granada.

Created: 10 May 2021
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "Way of the Cross at the hill of los Mártires in Granada (hypothetical reconstruction)", Historical soundscapes, 2021, e-ISSN: 2603-686X. https://www.historicalsoundscapes.com/en/itinerario/18.


1. church of Santa María Magdalena
2. convent of los Santos Mártires San Cosme y San Damián (Discalced Carmelites)