Procession of Saint Clement of Rome in Sevilla


Procession of Saint Clement of Rome in Sevilla

The feast of Saint Clement of Rome, which commemorated the capture of the city of Seville, was founded on 12 December 1254 by King Alfonso X. Its elaborate ritual included a procession, in which the royal banner and sword were carried along part of the outer perimeter of the cathedral, and the mass that followed. Pieces such as the prose Omnis homo pie mentis and the motet Dedisti Domini were composed for its solemnisation.

Date: 12-12-1254 / --

Ruiz Jiménez, Juan, "Festividad y procesión de San Clemente en Sevilla", Paisajes sonoros históricos, 2016.

Created: 03 Jan 2025
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "Procession of Saint Clement of Rome in Sevilla", Historical soundscapes, 2025, e-ISSN: 2603-686X.
