Procession of the transfer of the remains of the Archbishop of Seville Gonzalo de Mena to the Carthusian monastery of Santa María de las Cuevas (1594)


Procession of the transfer of the remains of the Archbishop of Seville Gonzalo de Mena to the Carthusian monastery of Santa María de las Cuevas (1594)

Procession of the transfer of the remains of the Archbishop of Seville Gonzalo de Mena to the Carthusian monastery of Santa María de las Cuevas (1594)

Date: 26-1-1594 / 26-1-1594

Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "Procesión del traslado de los restos del arzobispo de Sevilla Gonzalo de Mena al monasterio cartujo de Santa María de las Cuevas (1594)", Paisajes sonoros históricos, 2020. e-ISSN: 2603-686X.

Created: 20 Jul 2020
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. "Procession of the transfer of the remains of the Archbishop of Seville Gonzalo de Mena to the Carthusian monastery of Santa María de las Cuevas (1594)", Historical soundscapes, 2020, e-ISSN: 2603-686X.


1. Sevilla cathedral
2. Gradas street
3. Genova street
4. San Francisco square
5. convent of San Francisco Casa Grande (Franciscans)
6. Sierpe street
7. church of Santa María Magdalena
8. convent of San Pablo (Dominicans)
9. Triana's gate
10. bridge of Las Barcas
11. the Altozano
12. castle of San Jorge
13. church of Santa Ana
14. convent of Santa María de las Cuevas (Carthusians)