Façade of the Cathedral of Canaria. Illustration from the manuscript by José Agustín Álvarez Rixo, entitled Cuadro histórico de estas Islas Canarias (1808-1812). Library of the University of La Laguna. Personal archive of José Agustín Álvarez Rixo.
Las Palmas
The “release” of the clock of the Cathedral of Las Palmas (18th-19th centuries)

Gustavo Alejo Trujillo Yánez

The main and only mission of the clock bell of the Cathedral of Las Palmas was to emit the corresponding …

Aug. 6, 2024

Title page. <em>Orphenica lyra</em>. Miguel de Fuenllana
Works by Francisco Guerrero at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

Works by Francisco Guerrero at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Aug. 6, 2024

House of Íñigo de la Cruz Manrique de Lara y Ramírez de Arellano, 11th conde de Aguilar de Inestrillas
Theatrical performance sponsored by Íñigo de la Cruz Manrique de Lara, XI Count of Aguilar de Inestrillas, in Manzanares

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

At an indeterminate date, probably between 1712 and 1716, Eugenio Gerardo Lobo, "el capitán coplero", wrote a loa for the …

July 25, 2024

A <em>Nouvelle description de la fameuse ville de Barcelone</em> (detail), Louis Boissevin, 164[5], Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
Pro pluvia rituals in Barcelona (1687)

Helen Sophia Herbert

Alongside details of the ordinary conventions and ceremonies of the liturgical calendar at Barcelona Cathedral, the Manual del Cabiscol provides …

June 20, 2024

Articles by year

12-07-2015 Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Funeral rites at the University

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of Saint Nicholas

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Feast of Saint Martin

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Songs at the convent of San José

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 New bells (1529)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 New bell (1529)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 New bell (1535)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 The first reference to the organ in the convent of la Concepción (1620)

Juan Ruiz Jiménez

12-07-2015 Burial of the nuns of the convent of the Ángel Custodio

Juan Ruiz Jiménez