The autos generales de fe are one of the most outstanding social events of the Modern Age, which, like other 'festive' manifestations, reached their zenith in the Baroque period. It is made up of different elements, wrapped up in a ceremonial complex, with numerous scenographic and sensory elements common to other urban events sponsored by the civil and religious powers. The aim was not only to punish the offenders, but also to shock, to set an example and to provide morbid entertainment for the public, who attended en masse as spectators, regardless of their social status. The route from the church of Santa Ana to the headquarters of the Inquisition, the castle of San Jorge, is marked in orange; the route taken with the prisoners from the castle to the Plaza de San Francisco, where the auto de fe was held, is marked in green; and the route (partly hypothetical, with a broken line) from the aforementioned square to the scaffold, where those condemned to this punishment were burned, is marked in violet.