Juan Ruiz Jiménez
May 27, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
On 10 October 1631, the confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament of the church of Santa Cruz in Madrid hired a …
May 26, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
In the middle of the 18th century, the figure of Francisco Guerrero was still highly respected. This is evidenced by …
May 24, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
Villancicos composed for the religious profession of nuns at the convent of Descalzas Reales in Madrid (1708)
May 22, 2024
Juan Ruiz Jiménez
08-11-2018 Poetry and music in the taifa of Seville (1023-1091)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
06-11-2018 Bell ringing and the use of musical instruments at the San Bartolomé y Santiago College in Granada.Juan Ruiz Jiménez
04-11-2018 Francisco de la Torre’s house in Seville (1502)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
31-10-2018 The sounds of the Alameda in the Genil riverJuan Ruiz Jiménez
28-10-2018 Ordinances of town criers in Seville (1519)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
26-10-2018 Procession of the transfer of the Catholic Kings’ remains to the royal chapel in Granada (1521)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
23-10-2018 Cultual activities in the royal chapel of the convent of San Francisco de la Alhambra in Granada (1505-1521)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
21-10-2018 Musicians at the service of Archbishop Diego de Deza (1505-1523)Juan Ruiz Jiménez
19-10-2018 Celebration of King Felipe V’s birthday (1704) in GranadaJuan Ruiz Jiménez